Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm going to miss my teacher(s) too much!?

Hi, my name is Sophia and I am 13 years old. I am going to the 8th grade. I am in band and I am in fact, a band geek. So, past year I was in the second to last band (out of 6). There are three band teachers, two guys and one girl. I really admire the two guys, the girl I don't talk to that much, but she still means a lot to me. So, the majority of the school year, I didn't talk to them that much. I was just another flute player. That tore me apart because they inspired me and I was admiring them secretly and I didn't know how to start talking to them because I was very shy. The last few weeks of school, I started joking around with the two guys, (ex. Hiding behind the stands with my friends before it's time to go to 1st period, giving them hi-fives, ect.) and I felt so much better that I talked to them more. So, I had my band audition about two weeks before school ended, and I did really really good. I remember the morning before I found out my placement I asked my main band director when we were going to find out our placements and he had a HUGE smile on his face and said "I don't know!" I ended up being in the second band. I was the only person to move up that much, and I noticed that they started favoring me. The lady (the person who heard my audition) even came up to me and congratulated me. I was really happy because I thought that she didn't like me. On the last day of school, after we were dismissed I ran down to the band hall and gave them each a letter telling them how much they mean to me. After I handed them the letters I ran out because I thought I was going to miss my bus but I didn't realize that was the last time that I was going to see them for three months. I cried when I got home. And I realized if I was crying over three months, how was I going to feel when I left 8th grade and went to high school. I know I'm going to be tore apart and I know some of you are you going to say "don't think about that now, you still have a year.' But if I forget, it will hit me extremely hard when it happens. So, what do I do? I miss them enough already, and it just breaks my heart that I have to leave some day. And I think since they read the letters, that I will get closer to them next year. I love them so much and they mean the world to me and I would do anything not to leave. I know this was kind of scattered, and I'm sorry about that but I think you got the point. Thanks!!! It really means a lot. And please don't say I have a crush on them, because I don't. And I should add this, the band teachers each have two bands, a high one and a low one. I was in one of the guys low one this year and next year I am going to be in his high band. The other guy and the girl I still consider my teachers, though. Again, thanks!!

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