Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is this polytheistic ovary syndrome?

Im 18 now and have periods maybe once every maybe 3 or 4 months(it use to be once or twice a year). i started my period when I was in 3rd grade and I have always been irregualar. I dont have high blood pressure (never have), I am slighty overweight but that is due to my bad habits. I dont have problems losing weight if I try, I dont have extra facial hair. I have went to have testorones level tested and the doctor said they were kind of elevated but nothing serious or alarming. And I have had a ultrasound and the doctor said i had one small cyst due to my irregualar periods and the blood building up and he gave me birth control pills to get rid of the cyst and regulate my cycles. And my cycle start becoming regular but I stopped taking them and my cycle went back to being irregular . Please help!! Does this sound like polytheistic ovary syndrome something else?

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