Monday, July 11, 2011

My abnormal ECG- what does it mean.?

I am a type one diabetic and have been so for 28 years. I never had any heart problems but on January 14, 2011, I was hit by a transport. I have not felt right since the accident and have either a torn rotator cuff or bicep- waiting for MRI. Have been having chest pains and they have gotten worse in the past few weeks. I went to a walk in clinic on Friday and was given an ECG. This is what the ECG shows - Sinus Rhythm - normal P axis, V-rate 50 -99, Abnormal Inferior Q waves - Qs add to 80 mS in 11 111 aVF, Borderline T abnormalities, anterior leads - T flat or neg, V2-V4, Borderline Prolonged QT interval-QTC>485mS. It also shows Rate- 90, PR - 141, QRSD -415 and QTc 508. Can someone explain what this means. I have to see a cardiologist on Thursday but very stressed right now. Would love to hear what this I may be dealing with. Thank you.

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