Monday, July 18, 2011

How can I be better in school?

Its ok i m also nt gud at music but good in all other still i m popular.. So just improve ur existing problem volunteer in each n every event and do wat teachers tell u do as it is....gve ur best ..and ur problem will be solved

Cydia not opening on an iTouch (2nd gen) v4.2.1?

I have an iTouch (2nd gen) v4.2.1 that is in the process of being jailbroken. I used greenpois0n, then used the Loader App to install Cydia. Now, it will open Cydia, and say "Initializing filesystem, Cydia will exit when complete", then return me to where I have to slide to unlock.

I really need help! Why am i spotting so early before my period and for this long? has lots of information and a forum where you can get more information about this with people that have the same issues, I have no knowledge to give you other then im sure its fine. It could be that your pregnant and it could be implantation spotting which would turn out negative on the pregnancy test because its to early to tell. Or it could be that your body is switching gears, My periods usually last about 3in a half days with one day spotting I sometimes have spotting before, not days in a row but on the website provided if you take a look at some of the other ladies charts it will show that your normal and its more common for some then others, hope you get the answer your looking for soon! I dont think its something you will have to rush to the dr for right away and if thats the case the urgent care or emergancy room usually has help income for people who dont have insurance or money and need help right away I gathered this information from a cpr/medic who recommended this to me which at the time i didnt have insurance either

Should i do this to my car?

i have a 2003 saturn vue with 2.2 liter engine and its a v4. i was thinking of putting a Thrush Turbo Muffler on it. how does it sound and should i buy it? it is $40 and i will install it.

How to fix .NET Framework 4.0 installation?

@Sree latha S: For some reason Vista is not actually installing the updates, it would say Update Successful, but just below it say failed at ___ time Today.

Computer Temperatures Correct?

i dont think the cpu sensors are working correctly...u may try a software called cpu-z.. just google both side by side and see if they show the same temp or not..if yes then its no software issue...either the cpu is really cold or the sensors are not working its difficult to detect your problem sitting infront of my pc... however best of luck..

Can drinking too much affect the cycle?

Okay I know this sounds bad, but last Saturday night I had a little too much to drink and had acute alcohol posining. I ended up going to the hospital and everything. I completely regret the night and don't need anyone telling me how bad my choice was. However what I need to know is if drinking can affect periods? I was suppost to start two days ago and haven't and was wondering if alcohol could be a factor as to why I'm late. Thank you!

Green dot prepaid visa card fees?

I would like to cancel my card, but I would like to know if you will still get charged for the monthly billing cycle if it's cancelled before the end of the cycle. btw if this helps, it is a greendot gold online-only card, and I do have an account online.

How much gas money would i waste i have a 2003 v4 altima?

im planning to go to south carolina soon its about 1000 miles from were i live my car gets 25mpg and the gas in my area is 4.15 a gallon i only have 900 bucks i was wondering how much it would be on gas

Country Labeled World Political Map?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

HOW do i donate coins to the king? TAMAGOTCHI?

in my tamagotchi v4 i have 5000p. how do i see the king to donate it to him. i dont get it. HOW THE **** DO I DONATE COINE TO THE KINGY?

Can you critique my diet please?

It seems alright. If you have a deficit of 500 cals or more you will start to lose muscle. I would stick to the 300 cals since you are young it will be fine.

Flute Criteria question?

I just finished my freshman year of high school and I've been playing the flute for two years now. I'm going to a camp this summer (que nerdy band geek comments) and one of my friends mentioned the "12 major scales." My teacher has never taught me those and I was wondering what exactly is expected of me. At my level, am I supposed to know these scales? What are flutists' of my level usual ability?

Freind used recorder as dildo?

My bff used a recorder (flute like instrument) to masterbate and she bled a little after and now a month later she is starting her period (or she thinks so) and it's brown colored....did she damage herself?

HOW to increase my endurance with cycling?

You want to check your tire pressure first. You want to do an easy 10 min warm up and then start pedaling at 70-90 rpms at all times. Select a gear that is easy to pedal but gets you breathing to the point where you can still talk but not sing. You want to ride for distance don't worry about the speed. Work your way up to a hour or more. Hills and the wind can make a huge difference and a mountain bike on the road is not very efficient.

Where can I buy Jeremy Scott adidas shoes?

Am i pregnant Am I Spotting Whats going on?

Well to start off 4 days ago my breasts started to hurt they felt heavy and like something was pulling on them, also around the same time I was feeling a slight cramp, I was 3 days late for my cycle, but now that I've started I'm not so sure its a cycle more like spotting, my usual cycle color is more a dark brownish like red however this bleeding is more of a bright red, I can clearly notice the difference, the cramps and breast changes still haven't gone and I've gotten a few more back pains, plus the blood isn't how my usual cycle is as far as how much is coming out, its fairly light like two or 3 spots when I check it,! Should I buy a prego test or wait til this is done, and if this is spotting then how long will it take? Will it last like a regular cycle,? And is they're anyone who can help walk me through this?

How to find an accurate due date ?

your due date is really based on your baby's gestational age. but since both days are so close, you could deliver on either one.

How to drop a diesel in a 95 Jeep?

I have a gas inline 4 in the wrangler now. Im gonna buy a v4 diesel engine. How hard would it be to drop it in the wrangler.

I'm 15 only had a menstrual cycle since 14 and I'm late but a total virgin?

I don't count my days to know the day I'm suppose to get it, so I wouldn't know. I'm actually terrified but I don't understand I'm a a virgin never been penetrated or anything In that matter, it's june 29 Nd I usually get it the 20-26 of a month., the first month I started track it was late and that was April 30 Its been regular since then on the dates I expect it.. I finger myself but I don't have nails? I'm afraid to tell my mom because she would guess I'm pregnant but Im not.?!!! I think I'm sick from the weather changing but yet again I'm a virgin Can SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

I have an audition in 3 days...need sightreading help!?

I play flute, and i'm auditioning for sdys [san diego youth symphony] and the top levels. the sightreading for it is really hard and i absolutely suck! im not even kidding - i just stare at the music dumbfounded that i hav to play it in like 10 seconds. Everything else is pretty good, just the sightreading. any tips to help me improve in 2-3 days time? thanks for any advice!!!!!

I think I'm addicted to Vaseline?

okay so this is going to sound really weird, I'm 16 and up the age of about 10 i never used lip balm of any kind at all, but my lips started getting very sore, so my dad gave me a chap stick which really helped. From then on really i kept using Vaseline on my lips but its only in the last year or so that it's got really bad. Now I'm an advanced flute player so i have to use my lips a lot for that, but now i'm getting through about a tin of Vaseline every two weeks. I have to have a ready supply of it in my room in case the tin i'm using runs out. whenever i go out anywhere i have to take at least 2 tins of Vaseline just in case i lose one, or one runs out, and if i think i think i've forgotten a tin, then i get really panicky. what can i do!?

Any help on choosing YA fantasy novels?

The 39 clues, the series of unfortunate events, the shadow children series, the missing series, skeleton creek series. i dont know if you have read the other 2 hunger games books (catching fire, mockingjay), Also i dont know if you have read The Lost Hero, The Red Pyramid and the new Kane Chronicles book, Septimus Heat, Artemis Fowl, Left Behind Series, The rangers apprentice, redwall books.

A Good Song To Turn Into a Flute Piece?

I need a song. It can be from anywhere. I would prefer it be something well known. Not necessarily pop culture, like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lupe Fiasco or anything like that, though suggestions from artists like that are welcome, as well. But a song/tune most people are familiar with. I want to make a "diddy", which is like a composed 1-minute little thing that a section plays together after football games. It should probably have 3-4 parts. What song would you suggest I turn into a diddy? In the past, other sections have used songs like "Carry On My Wayward Son", "Low Rider", "Duel of the Fates", The theme song from "Family Guy", and etc. Thanks for your help. :]

Do you need a filter for your betta fish?

My dad got a betta fish and were new to this. I was wondering if you need a filter for your betta? I've heard of cycling but I'm not sure what to do because my dad bought the fish because a petsmart employee said you dont need filters for them. IM CONFUSED. Hellppp.

My tongue sticks out when I play flute!?

I've been playing flute for three years, and when I play, the two sides of my tongue kinda roll in toward the middle of my tongue, and the tip slightly sticks out of my lips. I've watched other people in my band class play flute, and I seem to be the only one with this problem. Most of the time, I produce really good tone quality, but once I get to higher notes, my damn tongue gets in the way and I can't hit the high notes as clearly as I would like to. Plus, it's just embarrassing. I hate when people watch me play, because even my friends who know nothing about flute know somethings wrong with my embouchure. So to any flute players out there, have you ever experienced this? Are there any tips you could give me? Thanks :D

.AVI Files corrupt? how fo i change them?

Seems that the program you used to recover the files failed at properly restoring the video files this is common, pictures are easier to recover since they are smaller files. you could try other recovery programs but its unlikely they will be of much help.

Is it possible 2 get a period and still be pregnant?

My cycle came on three days early and only stayed on for three days.. at first it started off slightly heavy but drastically slowed down.. I had been having pregnancy symptoms every since June 13th and now Im still having them.. Nausea breast tenderness mood swings etc.. I've taken 2 pregnancy test this was before my cycle came so i brushed it off 2 be that it was 2 early.. considering the fact that it would only be 2 weeks and some days.. so could i be pregnant.. and if not have anymore had a cycle then found out they was pregnant..

Use to play flute and is planning to relearn what is the best way?

Start with the basics. If those come quickly then you'll find it easier to move onto the harder stuff. I would suggest a lesson book, Rubank ones are good. Start at elementary then move up from there. Don't jump right into the harder sets, start and make sure you have the basics down really well first. PRACTICE EVERYDAY! It doesn't matter how good you used to be, it's a matter of how much you remember. If you stopped in 5th grade after only 2 years of playing the rest of the players are going to be TONS more experienced. At least 30 mins of practice everyday and you should be fine. Good luck and all the best!

Where can i get flute sheet music?

Your best bet for the first 2 in However, the last piece is called Acht Stucke by Paul Hindemith, and is under copyright -

Haven't played flute in a year, any tips/techniques?

I used to play the flute, but I moved schools and I haven't touched my flute in a year. I decided on joining band again this year but I seriously fail at the flute now. I'm going to be on vacation so I'm missing 7 marching band practices in the summer...great. :-/ any tips or techniques on how I can improve my flute skills? Now I sound all airy and flat and sharp all over the place. I have tried longtones but I can't go past any note above Concert Bb (the middle one) without sounding like my flute is dying. Thanks for any help.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nitrate and ammonia test in tanks?

I don't ever test the water, just add 2-3 drops xtra conditioner and keep it room temp...I have 3 flourishing 10 G. tanks

What are the chances of me being pregnant..?

I had my 1st child March 20, of this year she's now 3 months old..! After I had her I only bleed for like 4 or 5 days after I had her..! and probably like 2 more days within my 6 weeks..! I came on my cycle the day that my 6 weeks was up and I only stayed on for like 2 days, which before I got pregnant I was on for like 5 days..! Anyways I had unprotected sex like the 8th week and a couple of more times since then, but it wasn't 14 days after the day that I started my cycle..! Some where in between there, doh..! I have been told no matter when you did it, after having a baby anything is possible..! I have been cramping for about 2 weeks or so, feeling like I was about to come but I haven't with my 1st pregnancy that's exactly how I felt as if I was about to come on and never did but to find out I was pregnant..! What are the chances of being pregnant..?

Ramadan: Does this hadith sound Prophet-like?

No dogs shouldn't be killed and that doesn't even make sense. It doesn't even specify 'certain' dogs so basically wiping out the idea that guide dogs, protective dogs and police dogs are useful for us. This hadith is definately not prophet-like.

How different is the tenor sax from the flute?

I was wondering because I have played the flute for the last 6 years and i now want to play the tenor sax for jazz band. I was wondering if it would be helpful to have a private lesson instructor to help be in the beginning?

Trileptal side effect in women?

I want to know, does trileptal normally effect a woman's menstrual cycle? I've read on some med sites that it shouldn't but I want to know for sure... My sister is about 19 yrs old, normal cycle. Started weening onto trileptal and off of keppra over a month ago, taking about four weeks to complete. Her cycle originally 28 days before going on either med and went up to 30 after she started keppra. It has been 34 days now since her last period. At least when she went on keppra she would still get pms symptoms when they would usually be expected, letting her know it was arriving soon, but that is not the case now.. no syptoms, no period, no sign of period. She is starting to wonder if this is something she should worry about... Does any one have any information that might help?

Why does he look at me like this?

The best way is to find chances to tell him how you feel, and whether he likes you or not. If you're too scared to do that, find a trusted parent or counselor to talk to about what you can do and what love is all about (most people misunderstood it). If you don't feel right or don't like him at all, then just ignore him (you can't force yourself to like someone, love is supposed to be your own decision) Hope I helped.

No audio track in Sony Vegas 9 Pro with AVI's?

I am trying to import my AVI clips into sony vegas pro 9 from my Toshiba X100, i have installed the K-Lite Codec Pack (64-bit) V4.6.0 and the i can now import the clips into vegas and put them on the timeline, but no audio track shows up, has anyone got any idea why this is happening?

Overcrowding??? I have a ten gallon tank...?

I'm planning on starting the cycle with 3 zebra danios, then after a month or so adding 2 guppies----I've done my research and it says they grow 1.5 inches (that goes for all 5 fish) and at most they will MAYBE get to be 2 inches......SO, is this too overcrowded for my 10 gallon tank?

Want to Learn flute >?

In how many days, i can be an average flute player, I just want to learn flute for playing it in alone and for resting in peace.....pls jst tell me that how much time it will take to learn >???

Do i HAVE to start SEASONIQUE on a sunday?

ok so i got seasonique and my doctor said to start it on the first day of my cycle (first day of my period but the thingy says to start it on a sunday. todays wendsday, and my doctor said that if i wait like 4 days after my period starts till the sunday then i will be unprotected untill about 2 weeks in. can i just start it today? like wh does it matter whether or not its a sunday

Is he interested or is he being friendly? Helpp?

sigh of course he likes you...its guys way of telling you hey i know you want this.....break your wall...silence is only golden while watching a the real world close mouths dont get fed baby trust me wouldnt you rather know what would happen rather than what could of been? Try glaring back not starring back but give him your I want you face if you know what I mean and whistle him back with a wave gesture or a smile, even call him over and chat start a casual convo with him pending the age ask him what his looks mean and if he has ever had any intentions on sweeping you up

What's the difference between V4 engine and V6 engine?

i know v6 gives more horse power, but besides that, is there anything else?which engine will run longer or breaks down faster? which ones uses up more battery? let me know some of the differences please.

Is this true about birth control?

I've been trying to go on the pill for quite sometime already but my dad is not having any of it. I'm 17 years old and my dad believes that if i'm on the birth control pill long enough then later on when I want to have children it will be difficult. He says that he has seen instances where couples he knew had children but it took them years. He's convinced that after your body gets used to the pills chemicals inside of you for a long period of time then your fertility sucks or something. I definitely want to have kids in my early twenties but I'm sexually active now and have a horrible, painful, and irregular cycle. Is what my dad says true or is he just getting old and crazy?

About V4 Automobile (Car) Engine ?

too bouncy for the cars and inlines fit better in the fwd cars/v4 is off balance and to say the silky inline 6 in the bmw offsets the v6 theory/the v8 configuration is practical because the inline 8 is not the good choice for the late model low profile cars/the inline 8 while smooth is not a good rev monster for the the hp that is needed now

What car to purchase?

2002 lincoln ls v6 or 2000 volkswagon jetta v4 automatic regular gas which one will be better on the long run its for my niece whom is barley starting to drive thanks

Why does Intrade bet Republicans lose in 2012?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which is an easier instrument to learn? The violin or the flute?

I think they play in the same key, but I'm wondering which would be easier to learn. I would think it would be the violin, because it only has four strings. But, what's your opinion?

I can't get original black iPod homescreen back?

I have a jailbroke 1g iPod touch with whited00r v4.1.3 I chose a homescreen wallpaper and now I can't get the original black screen, this means when I get a theme the backgrounds still there and there is no default homescreen button??

Car now idles at over 4000 rpms?

hello. my car has been haveing some problems with it. so i decided to clean the throttle body . i took the throttle body off the throttle position sensor off and the iac sensor off. cleaned the iac and throttle body. after i cleaned it all i put it all back together and back on the car. when i start the car the rpms shoot up to red line if i dont shut the car off 1st. if i take the throttle body sensor off the throttle body. when i start the car up it shoots up to 4k rpms and stays. why is this? even when the senior is off it makes the car idles at 4k rpms like im stomping on the gas. i have a 95 ecplise with a v4 non turbo all stock with a 5 speed manual tranny

Would you like to see the return of the V12 & V10 engines to Formula 1?

In my opinion the naturally aspirated V12 & V10 engines were the most amazing sounds the cars ever had and they had a lot of power and speed. It was great in the early 90's when the engines were mixed with V12, V10 & V8. My favourite was the Ferrari V12. It sounded so amazing and when I went to the Adelaide race back in 1995, it was just incredible. Even listening to the engines on youtube they sounded great. The McLaren Honda V12's were classy as were the Williams Renault V10. That brings me to my question, for 2013 and beyond instead of the Formula 1 dropping back to V4 1.6L 10,000 rpm slow machines would you rather see the V12 & V10 added to the current V8 to make the racing more exciting and back to the way it used to be? I have to say the V6 turbos were great too.

What are some fantasy-based operas like Rusalka and The Magic Flute?

Most Gilbert and Sullivan operas are based upon fantasy and/or magic. Also, "Kate and the Devil" by Dvor�k.

Why do friends do this?

Well all my friends do. They get an 'obsession' about certain people (it was me) they text invite out leave Facebook comments etc etc then move onto the next person then suddenly they'r back after they appear to of forgotten you exist & do it all over again & the cycle continues..

AlJazeera Sports + Viewing Card?

Ok, I bought a one year subscription for AlJazeera Sports + today. I also bought a CAM because my reciver doesn't accept cards alone. I tried it at the place where I bought it (with out the CAM, because their reciver accepts cards alone) and it worked well. But at home it doesn't work on my Alfa Gold Digital AD-7000 2CI satellite reciver (yes, it is a bit old with two card slots and requires a CAM to use cards). When I insert the card, the card in light turns on and I get Key Fly v4.5 on the menu. But the JSC Sports + channels still say "Scrambled Channel". There are a couple of options but I don't know what to do. Can any body help me?

Jailbroken Ipod frozen, how to reset?

I would like to restore my ipod 4g, and I pressed the erase all files button on the ipod and now what the ipod goes into cycles of turning on and off with first the Apple Logo showing then the green poision logo. I connected to my computer but the Ipod is not showing on my computer, is there a way for the iPod to be sensed on the computer/ or another way of restoration?

Would it be weird for her to be in marching band with a bass flute?

My best friend is a marching band person and she wants to play bass flute. She'll be the only one with that big of a flute and wonders if it would stick out too much? Will it be too heavy to march with?

?????How many days after Ovidrel 250mg can i take a pregnacy test????? Success?

I was given my ovidrel shot the same day! So I think that you and I have to wait til at least Saturday. We should definately know by next tuesday or wednesday though. I am so excited I can hardly contain it!! Are you having any cramps now?

What are some good flute and sax duets?

for my next school concert my friend and i wanna play a duet together and i was hoping u guys would have some good suggestions. hope u guys can help:)

Why Crown Victoria has lazy pick?

The trick you're experiencing is called throttle response. Other companies make cars with extremely aggressive throttle response: press on the gas pedal gently, and the throttle kicks open half way, and you are tricked into thinking the engine is more powerful than it is. If you continue to press the gas pedal, the engine doesn't produce a corresponding increase in power, because the throttle is already open, but I think this is annoying, because it's essentially over-reacting to your input, and is difficult to control. Fords have very linear throttle response. When you barely press the gas pedal, the throttle barely opens up. Press the pedal half way, and the throttle is open half way. Press the pedal down 75%, and the throttle is open 75% of the way. A linear throttle response makes it much easier to precisely control the power output of the engine, so if you only want to barely open the throttle, you have much better control.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Help, please im not sure what to do?

So my dad got a fish. Specifically a blue and red Crowntail betta. It is super pretty but the problem is I don't have a filter, heater, good tank, and things you need to take care of a betta! I'm just freaking out. because its not eating (because there is no heater and its 69�)! Its been two dayssss!!!! HELP and I didnt even cycle? And how do you test water too?

How do i apply a mod on Sims 3?

If your game is patched to the latest version, go here ( a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) and follow their directions. Basically, you make 2 new folders in your directory and put in the file they give you in that link. Then you can put all your .package files into your game!

What's that bird that sounds like it's a musical flute?

It's sounds like a flute or mechanical almost,robotic is a word too, that would describe it. It's so cool to hear them. I have all kinds of birds here,one is a crow? It's sounds like it's saying uh oh....

World of Warcraft Installation?

It will install all aspects of WoW to your system that you have purchased, but not Cataclysm. You must enter a product key, download and install it if you want to experience the new conent. As for how you can tell, obviously BC requires original, and WotLK requires both. So when you get to the login screen, you'll know depending on the background.

Can you get pregnant if your just fertile and NOT ovulating?

i had sex on the 27th which was one day after my period, i dont become fertile till the 6th. i ovulate on the 10th bc i have a 33 day cycle which means it takes a little longer to ovulate. can i get pregnant by being fertile if the sperm is still alive? it has been 3 days. even if the sperm stays alive for seven days, im still in the clear right?

Whats wrong with my body?

nothing in your body is 100%. i have had my period for like a long time and i havent gotten it on time once im extremly irregualr i never know when im about to get it& i get it for an hour and other times i get it for 2 weeks then i skip sometimes your body is just retarded. so many things could effect your period. diet wiehgt excerise sleep EVERYTHING

Whats the name of this classic story? I listened to it on a CD.?

In the story, a young boy, who is really good with the flute, lives with his grandpa alone in a forrest. His grandpa has warned him from when he was young to not to go over the river into the deep part of the forrest. One day, his grandfather becomes sick, and he has to get medicine from a plant in the dangerous deep part of the forrest. He goes over the river, into the forrest and somehow gets captured by a giant. The boy tricks the boasting giant into a music duel for his freedom. He ends up beating the giant with his flute, and gets the medicine. there were more stories on the CD, one about a tin soldier who goes through a lot of stuff after getting lost from his owners and ends up back at the house. I would really like to know what the CD is.

Oblivion Elder Scrolls Question?

Type them in on the Obliviowiki. They will say them if you want an early read, but since you want it in game, it should say where to find them, and tips if it is a bit difficult.

Sims Medieval Installation Help!!!!?

You may be missing core files from the install. Check your anti virus as that may take it away. Or in your computer there may be corrupted files missing previously before installation.

RAMADAN: Do you know that it is a big sin to believe in false fabricated hadiths which contradict QURAN?

We can talk when you stop committing shirk. Why do you say that your imams are perfect and ya Ali? You are not supposed to call no one other than Allah. When you stop doing that then we can talk.

Why doesn't sex feel good yet, is something wrong with me?

I'm 17, and I've had sex with the boy I lost my virginity to about 5 or 6 times. And I know I'm going to sound like an annoying little child, but it's bothering me how it doesn't feel good. I won't say it's painful, the best way to describe it, it feels like someone is penetrating me with a wooden flute, which is uncomfortable. Yeah, he's sexually experienced, and we do foreplay and everything. It's bothering me! Why is this happening, is this normal? It's really annoying :( , do you have any thing similar, so I know I'm not alone?

I get my period every 22 days?

Everyones is different, mine is every 24 days and my sisters is every 32 days, your fine, xx it's completely normal xx

Im on day 32 and no period?

i got my period may 29th and ended june 2nd. i started birth control the day after my period ended. do u think its the birth control messing with my cycle? i always get my period on day 28 and its almost day 33 and nothing, i have been cramping bad for 5 days..what do u think?

Mysterious/ghost flute music?

ok i was sitting in my brothers room talking to him when i heard some mysterious flute music that sounded like an Indian playing a flute in my ear but it sounded like it was coming from my yard it was brief, beautiful but sad at the same time and sorta creepy i've completely eliminated the tv because it was almost all the way down and i eliminated all other possibility so does anyone know what it could of been also this isn't the first time i've heard it my brothers and me have hear it once before and they weren't sure either

SIMS 3 MEDIEVAL (Will not open)?

I downloaded the sims 3 medieval last night directly from the EA game downloader. I haven't been able to play it since. It keeps telling me " To run this application, you must install one of the versions of the .NET framework V4.0. Contact your appllication publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET framework" I went online and downloaded the 4.0 .NET framework, and nothing new has happened.. What should I do now?

My acura legend vs acura integra 92?

My legend is v6 his I$ v4 mine had headers, no cat, custom exhaust, tailpipe, cold air intake, 3.5 engine, his is 2.4 vtech nd stick

Nissan altima issues?

when you take it to the dealer, tell them all the concerns and that you are not taking it back until it is fixed. I'm sorry to hear of your dilemma, i have a 2010 altima 2.5 and it has been the best car i ever had. I get 37 - 40 mpg and besides the odd rattle, it's cherry... good luck

I'm not sure about my GCSE's?

personly i really enjoy RS and i would only take music if you are really in to it or if your music teacher is good.but it is your choice so go with your gut feeling

Started taking Sprintec (BC PILL) and I'm just so tired?

Tiredness, fatigue is a side effect of combined hormonal contraceptives. If it is bothersome see your doctor.

Could this be a miscarraige or something related to pregnancy..please help?

three weeks ago on the 8th my boyfriend and i were messing around and he ended up getting pre-*** on his fingers and then touched me down there. On Saturday the 18th i got what i thought was my period. I had extremly bad cramps , my skin broke out, and i was kind of bloated. It stopped sunday night which is really weird for me because theyre usually 4-6 days long. I had light spotting on monday and tuesday. My friend suggested to take a pregnancy test so i took one on that wednesday the 22, which was 2 weeks from the wednesday when my bf was over. It came back negative. The same incident between my bf and i happend again the past tuesday the 28 which was day 11 of my cycle. I took a pregnancy test just now to see what it'd say and it was one of the ones with blue dye..the control screen had a really thick blue line on it and the positive screen had a really really realllyy thin, faint blue line.I havent gained weight Ive actually lost 2 pounds, i dont have morning sickness, and im not sensitive to any smells. Yesterday last night and today i woke up with weird discharge on my underwear. it was really dark and ive had two tampons in since and theyve all had the dark brown discharge and some blood. im having slight cramps atm, too. I am a competitive figure skater and fall alot (on my back or knee mostly) I skate 25+ hours a week. Ive taken some pretty nasty falls in the past couple weeks too.

A boy goes to his school on his cycle at 8km/hr and reaches 6 mins late. If he increases his speed to 10km/hr?

a boy goes to his school on his cycle at 8km/hr and reaches 6 mins late. If he increases his speed to 10km/hr he reaches 6 mins earlier. How far is his school from hs home?

Airsoft AEG upgrade guide.?

I have a V4 CQB-R from toronto airsoft, i want to upgrade it.. not so the FPS is any higher.. or the fire rate, that's fine.. how can i make it more accurate? Battery is in the stock so the rail and stuff is all free to upgrade.

Does this seem fair to you?

I am 17 years old and have tried my hardest to succeed in school, do what is right and please my parents. Their first and only other child has ruined her life and torn my parents and my hearts to shreds. So I have been dumped with all the expectation to be the perfect child. I am enrolled in college already and am going to get my AA degree at the same time I graduate high school! I am president of SGA! I have gotten a lot of A's a few B's and one C in my whole entire life. I have not asked for many things. I take every punishment and new rule they give me in stride and I do what they ask. I work at my mom's job and am fixing to start working with a woman from my church to clean houses for profit. I have a lot of money saved up and am paying off a car they got for me. Now all I asked is if I could buy a stationary bike so I can work out more often (since my mom is never in the mood to take me to the gym and I don't get my license until next month). She said she would not let me buy it with my own money! Why?! I don't know! She says that we have an old treadmill I could use and I have the dance program ZUMBA. But, the treadmill is old, squeaks, and I never wanted it. She bought it and she never uses it! Then I explained I wanted to do ZUMBA in the mornings and the days I have a lot of energy but I like the bike for when I still want to work out but do not have enough energy to dance and stuff. I always wanted a stationary bike and it allows me to sit and do something while burning calories at the end of the day. So I was like whatever! Then I have Senior portraits that she said she would buy for me. I only have four outfits allowed to wear and a prop to go with them. I play the flute but quit playing lessons for the money and I wasn't practicing as much as I needed to. Now my mom is forcing me to take my picture with my flute because she is paying for them. I'm jut getting so aggravated with her lately... so does this seem fair to you? I know life isn't fair but I don't know if I am over exaggerating...

Have you ever seen a corded poodle?

Hilarious!!! Dread locks on a poodle! I'd not seen that before, but I would think it wouldn't be so hard to keep if it went that way naturally, and I can't imagine someone doing that to their hair if it wasn't natural. Looks like a Komondor.

Jailbreakingggg my itouch v4.3.3 ?

Well first on windows vista and 7 serch for your ios with the serch tab thingy when you hit the start button and then once you find it put it somewere where you can remember(like the desktop)

Question about modification on a engine?

Is there a way in wich i can modifie my v4 engine so good that i can beat a a modified v8 car?? If so how can i do it?? And still have my 4 cilinder engine?? Its 95 integra. What parts do i nead? Cost doesnt matter

Do I still need to cycle my tank if I already have snails?

I have been reading about cycling freshwater tanks and have read a lot of stuff I don't understand. I've even watched youtube videos to try to make heads or tails of what I had read. I kind of get it now but now I have a new question. All the things I read and watched said that eventually you should add hardy fish to start the nitrate and ammonia cycling. Wouldn't having snails also start this process? I mean they have bodily functions too. I have had my tank with snails for two weeks. I am hoping to add fish soon but not until the tank is prepared. I understand the basics of cycling and won't need explanations on cycling and carrying capacity. I have a 5 gallon just to let you know what I'm dealing with. I also have two mystery snails. So technically haven't I unknowingly already started if not completed the cycling? I mean don't they count as quote unquote "Hardy Fish"? I'm just trying to clear up some stuff so I can get on to adding my new fish. Thanks for your time in at least reading this question and have an awesome day!!

Using multiple anti virus programs together?

Will I have any problems if I use Sophos Endpoint Security, Ad Aware Pro, and Advanced Systemcare v4 all together? I know you're not supposed to have more than 1 antivirus, but the first one is supposed to be a antivirus, the 2nd one is a antispyware, and the last one is a computer tuner, right? However, sometimes software have a broad gamut of protection that I'm not sure if they will slow down my computer.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Evinrude Boat Motor Won't Fire?

i never liked the ois 2000 ignition system. some of the early ones could not even be diagnosed outside due to sunlight interfering with the optical sensor. the proper way to diagnose the system is with omc's special tool.don't have one?me either.peak voltage readings are the best way to check this system without the tool, but a service manual and an ohm meter will go a long way and may find the problem.if you don't have a manual check on cdi ignition's web site,is has a down to earth trouble shooting guide and i recommend their products. i don't remember changing many packs on these engines,but i have changed a few optic sensors. if you do have to remove the flywheel, be VERY careful reinstalling fits into a recess and will try to cut the tips off your fingers as the magnets pull it down.

Can someone explain how to work out this vectors problem?

Use trigonometry to determine the magnitude of the horizontal component of the resultant vector from the following 6 component vectors: V1 = 10 units @ 180 degrees, V2 = 30 units @ 0 degrees, V3 = 20.8 units @ 0 degrees, V4 = 50 units @ 60 degrees, V5 = 30 units @ 240 degrees and V6 = 10 units @ 60 degrees. Display your answer to 1 decimal place

Can Chiefec 600W CTG-600-80P support the folowing configuration?

Your CPU and your graphics card under load are 585W or thereabouts. I would imagine that you'll get an unstable system with just 600W on the power supply. I'd go for a bit more.

I have an error in monster galaxy hack it say error netframework but i have net v4... what can i do? os: win 7?

i have an error in monster galaxy hack it say error netframework but i have net v4... what can i do? but i download the netframework that require in the hack and i install it,, says its already installed in ur os...

Im some problems with getting out the high notes on the flute?

i try to have a small embouchure but my lips end up tightening a lot, and it frustrates me. i also try rolling out a little too but that doesn't seem to be helping much either. o, and bringing out my lower lip too. please help =(

Who has hit for the cycle the most in there career?

Bob Meusel, Babe Herman, and John Reilly have 3 cycles each, but not all of Reilly's were in the Major Leagues. Meusel's came in the AL with New York, Herman's came in the NL with Chicago and Brooklyn, and Reilly's came with Cincinnati, in ML and AA ball.

What should my nickname be?

You are one of those people for whom it is best to use your full name - Brittany - Artistic, dignified, strong inside and out. This person's name is not clipped; It is full. But if you really want a nn handy, I would choose Bret...unique, pretty, very cool.

Universe Sandbox .net framework error?

I have installed the right version of .net framework but when I start 'Universe Sandbox' a message pops up saying that I need to install .net framework v4 which I installed already. I have tried uninstalling and installing both Universe Sandbox and .net frame work and restarting my computer but the same message always pops up. I need help fixing this problem. I have Windows 7.

Does anyone have the FLUTE music sheet for Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni OST Tsumi?

I looked all over Google and i cant find it does anyone have it? I am dying to play it and not ny Rena XDD...

Can't hit higher than G on alto saxophone?

I just started alto saxophone a week ago. I do have music experience, as I've been playing flute for 4 years. I can already play our schools advanced band music, except there are a few notes I can't hit, that are higher than the G, right above the staff. Any help/tips?

My IP changed and now no one can connect to my game server?

My IP recently changed for the first time and I host a Terraria server and i thought i it would be simple just to guve everyone the new ip and be on my way. Well if you ever hosted a server you know that you have to port forward and im assuming your ip v4 address doesnt change so i checked that and i seemed good. Please help i dont know what the problem is

Speed or Emotion with flute playing?

nothing more difficult than a slow tune full of emotion, fast is just technique, slow is experience.

Are Zebra Danios okay fish to begin a 10 gallon tank cycle?

i'm planning on getting three of them---I want them to still be alive though----or should i get 2 guppies?

What day will I ovulate on?

when u are going to ovulate u will have a sticky type discharge. also check ur temp when u wake up every morning b4 u drink anything or brush ur teeth. its called ur basal temperature. mark it on your calendar every morning when u wake up. when ur gonna ovulate ur temp will get higher than normal.

Question about Civil War?

Remember in the movies where three guys walked in battle, blowing a flute, beating on a drum, and carrying a flag? When we did we stop doing that?

How good is my yugioh fairy deck?

I would definitely try to trim your deck down to 40 cards. The kuriboh is a nice touch but doesnt really work w/ the idea of the deck. Otherwise i wud suggest running 3 sanctuary in the sky and 2 master hyperions.

Norton 360 will not automatically update?

I have Norton 360. Yesterday I upgraded from v4 to v5. Since i upgraded to version 5 Norton 360 hasn't automatically ran live updates or pulse updates (I do have automatic updating turned on, and it worked before the upgrade from v4 to v5). Is this a bug with the norton servers or am I the only one with this problem?

Recommended Orchestra and Choir pieces please?

Any andante or slower chamber work from the classical era, Haydn or Mozart. You may have to do some arranging. Sorry I don't have any specific names, but you should be able to find student arrangements for chamber orchestra, and just transpose some of the viola parts for the saxes.

What exactly is this marijuana product?

It could be they extracted thc and put it in a mint spray, I've seen weed soda with thc in it before

About V4 Automobile (Car) Engine ?

Ford did two - the UK one and the German one which was also used by Saab. More compact possibly, better power to weight perhaps not as they will be shorter but wider. They do not have good balance and so require a balance shaft (i know some in line fours have these, but not a requirement) and you have to modify your production line. Cylinder head layout can be problem meaning its more difficult to get good gas flow, especially with the narrow angle V4's such as Lancia.

20 gallon fish tank stocking?

your tetras would be better off if you added 2 more of them. you should also really have 3 loaches. try to get a female dwarf gourami if possible to minimize aggression. make sure you either get all female or all male sword tails.

Is this normal? Help please? Girls only.?

Okay. This is about my period. My period has been regular, I first started February 9, 2011. (This year.). It was regular in March, April, but in May it started 1 day late. But that's okay. I had just started, so I wasn't expecting my cycle to be completely regulated yet. So in June, (this month) I started 2 weeks early. My family and I were in the process of moving, so my nana said it started so early because I was under a lot of stress. But now, June 30th, my period had started again. And I already had my period this month. June 2nd to the 12th or the 13th. But now we're on the 30th, and it started again. Why is my period coming in early and more than once in one month? Could this be a bad thing? I'm not sexually active and I'm only 13. Please help me. Thank you.

My period hasnt come yet im 2 days late no worries tho just wunna know?

ok serious questions please. im 19 and my cycle is normally 28 days my last one started on june 2nd im never really late me and my boyfriend have been careful about using a condom in the previous months but on June 15 the condom slipped and he came in me then we got drunk a few times after and i don't think we used condoms i don't remember but anyways im 2 days late tired slightly nauseous back cramps and i feel kinda weird in my lower stomach area do you think i should test? wait? what would you do if you were me?

2 days late missed period what do you think?

ok serious questions please. im 19 and my cycle is normally 28 days my last one started on june 2nd im never really late me and my boyfriend have been careful about using a condom in the previous months but on June 15 the condom slipped and he came in me then we got drunk a few times after and i don't think we used condoms i don't remember but anyways im 2 days late tired slightly nauseous back cramps and i feel kinda weird in my lower stomach area do you think i should test? wait? what would you do if you were me?

Delaying my period for a few days?HELP!?

No, your Doctor's right (of course) if you skip the placebo week (the last 7 days of your pill pack) you should not get your period. The placebo week is for your period to come, if you do not take it then the period (or withdrawal bleed) does not occur. You may have break through bleeding throughout the month because this is your first month on the pill, but it should be very light and not a period.

Why is it taking so long to install?

ive installed sims medieval but it says i need .NET framework v4.0 so i downloaded it and it just isnt installing it's been about 3 hours now...

Any nice flute pieces for grade 7 or 8?

If you have any nice flute and piano pieces and would like to share them with me - please answer. :D

I have an 80's song from a movie stuck in my head and unfortunately I don't know the lyrics; just the hook?

It's a whistling/flute type instrument for the hook, and an islander type voice saying some thing like "ommm mah way..." in a low voice over and over again for the chorus. Maybe weekend at bernie's ? Not sure which movie either.

Is this normal after Plan B?

It it normal to get a heavier period a month after taking plan b but then getting a very light period two cycles after? Instead of blood, i've gotten clear, watery discharge. I've taken 4 HPT. All negative. Any comments?

Airsoft question, gun wont fire..?

My airsoft gun wont fire in semi or auto. I'm using .20g bb's... but the gun would dry fire a few times.. then i would have to remove the magazine so about 5 bb's could drop form the inside.. then i replaced it.. now it will not fire, it's a V4 CQB-R from torontoairsoft. PLease help btw the gun is still under warranty

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Which natural process removes carbon dioxide from the air?

It's a trick question. The correct answer is E. None of the above. Actually, the right answer is "hailing". It's a little-known fact that every hailstone forms around a molecule of CO2, which is then washed into the dirt as the water soaks in. Alchemists at the Arizona State Institute of Higher Education and Auto Repair showed this conclusively back in 2009 in a landmark paper published on stone tablets (and therefore not distributed very widely, which may be why it's little-known).

What to do with manipulative friends?

Well so, i dont even think i have any true friends at this point. all girls are bitches, like **** i dont even need them. well i thought i had 2 bestfriends. friend number 1, friends since grade 5 (in grade 8 now) friend 2, known her since 6, friend 1 has known friend 2 since grade 6 too. well, we all have a weird relationship. friend 1 is like the leader, like me and friend 2 wouldnt even talk if it wasn't for her. we never hangout, all 3 of us. friend 1 & 2, or friend 1 & me. me and friend 2 always found out one of us was gossiping about each other, then we'd get pissed, and gossip some more. viscous cycle. neither of us wants to leave friend 1, but the more i think about it, it is all friend 1's fault... she's saying we said stuff about one of us to one of us that is not true. ive tried to confront friend 2, but the cycle continues, and friend 1... i thought she was my bestfriend... but this is like the 3863th time that one of us is left out or pissed. i dont want to leave 1, but i think i have to. i don't want to be her second option, when shes my priority. friend 2 is a complete follower of 1, but i think i might be a follower too... & i cant confront 1, she is soo manipulative & she can twist your words around to win. i mean... i dont have any friends. PLEASE tell me what to do, your thoughts, opinions, stories, i know im not innocent but i cannot put up with this! thanks if you read all this, PLEASE help me, im so lost, i mean: my "bestfriend" is a lying *****... :( sorry for bad grammar, really upset.

Brownish spotting/bleeding for 9 days. Two negative HPT's. What is going on?

It could very well be the stress you spoke of. Sounds as if it has been rather intense lately. I would, however, see a doctor, and tell him/her of your concerns. Two negative tests does not mean you are not pregnant, it just means you are probably not pregnant.

Should I go on Accutane?

I am 17 and I first got acne when I was 13 and it got pretty bad until I was 15 when I went through a 5 month cycle of accutane. I was reasonably clear for about 2 years but its come back close to how bad it was originally. I am concerned about going on accutane again (all other treatments didn't work) because I have recently heard of all the horror stories of people getting Crohn's Disease and IBD while taking the drug, but so far the last time the only side effects I had was red dry skin. Do you guys think those serious side effects would have showed up by now or do they come later in life? I am somewhat deciding just to wait out and hope that in time it will fade away but I know that is not the case for a lot of people. What do you think?

What level (standard, grade) is Prokofiev's sonata in D Major for flute?

The Prokofiev is very difficult. I can't imagine many high school students having the musicality, technique, sound, control, and colors to handle this piece.... I played it as an upperclassman in college, and am glad I waited that long to learn it. Could I have played the notes before then with some sense of dynamics? Yes. Would I have butchered it musically? Yes.

What is this old cartoon movie called?

The characters were frogs and the protagonist played a flute of some sort. I think it's from the '90s but I'm not sure.

Could I Be Pregnant...?

Don't rely on cleaning the pre-***. It could leak out. You are probably not. Be careful and take care. Maybe you are feeling symptoms because you are scared and your mind is playing you out. Relax and go with the flow. If you are stressed your period will come late and you will feel more of the symptoms even if you are not.

I wana learn a new instrument, but?

ok so i play the flute i have since 5th grade (im now going to be in 11th) and im really good at it but i wana learn a new instrument-mellaphone, when i started playing the flute my parents bought me a brand new one right away cuz they didnt want me to have to use a used one cuz they were afraid of the germs and now its summer and my band teacher has these lessons where we can go to learn the new instrument (i havent been making it to them cuz i have to work-ALOT-but he said he would like to meet up with me and give one to me(a used one) for i could practice by myself at night or watever) but my parents dont know that i wana learn this new instrument and im kinda nervous to tell them cuz they are all concerned about the germs and watever and im afraid that they are guna tell me no that i cant learn it, do you guys have any suggestions for ways to tell my parents that i wana learn this new instrument (cuz ik they are guna have some comment along the lines of omg u might catch a disease or something if its not brand new)

Is there anyway??? firefox V4 help :D?

hey, is there anyway to change the firefox V4 user interface into the V3 user interface?? well the new one is like google chrome and i want to change it if i can. is it possible? like usin a firefox theme? :D

If I'm not pregnant, what do my pregnancy symptoms mean?

This pretty much sounds like me 6 months ago. i didn't have my period for 3 months and had lots of pregnancy symptoms. after 10 neg preg tests i was so confused cause i had myself convinced. The mind is a powerful thing. once you come to terms with the fact you are not pregnant, your cycle will start again.

Questions about late period?

So my period usually comes around the 25th or 26th of each month. But last month I got a really bad virus and was really sick so my period was delayed to the 29th. My cycle is around 31-32 days. This week I has been very stressed emotional, although I've still broken out like I do every month a week before my period I just haven't gotten it yet, and its the 30th now. Will these things cause it to be delayed? I took a pregnancy test today, and got a negative result.

Could I still be pregnant?

So on May 20 I had sex and it started out unprotected but after a couple minutes we stopped and he put a condom on. About 10 days later I got my period but it was like 7 days early. It was about 3-4 days long and everything seemed pretty normal. I mean it was kind of light, but sometimes that's normal for me. Now, it's been about a month later and I haven't gotten another one and my cycle is usually a little less than a month long. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant but I'm just wondering what the chances are or how likely it is that this could happen caz I've heard of having some bleeding like a week after conception? By the way, I'm 19 and not in a relationship so I don't want to be pregnant right now, but I don't think it's stress related. I just recently started getting stressed by this.

How different is the tenor sax from the flute?

I was wondering because I have played the flute for the last 6 years and i now want to play the tenor sax for jazz band. I was wondering if it would be helpful to have a private lesson instructor to help be in the beginning?

Okay to use an over-sized car battery?

No problem since they are the same voltage HOWEVER- - - - - An IMPORTANT CONCERN IS - -The height! If it is too high the posts may contact the inside of the hood and short out the battery -there will more sparks and fire then you will want to see.

URGENT ! Where Can I Buy A Arabian Gypsy Flute?

I want to know the lowest costing place yall know that sell them Arabian Flutes some call them Gypsy flutes but it makes that snake charmer sound it can be made of bamboo or wood tin steel.

Whats that song used for background music that goes dun dun dun, dun, dundundun, dundundun etc?

I've seen it in a video and it usually has a bunny in it, and the bunnies sneaking around or tiptoeing. I think its played on the flute. I'm not sure. But its used in the background to go in time with the bunnies footsteps. I think its in bugs bunnies or in other videos when used for sneaking around. I might be able to figure out the first few notes on piano but I'm not sure.

What is your opinion on creation (all religions)?

Logically thinking and analysing, there can never be a 'creation'. If there is a creation, there has to be a creator, material for creation and tools for creation. If these (creator, material and tools) exist for creation, question will arise as to who created them and by what and with what. The chain will never endingly go on. It is logical therefore to assume eternal existence of a thing and its transformation due to its own inherent nature which we call creation. That is what is the purport of vedas.

I'm 14, and four days late for my period.?

No! Don't be worried if you haven't have 'real' sex. If it comes to three months without getting it, you might want to go to a doctor to see if something is wrong, but most likely you will get it in a week to 2 months! I hope this helps!!! :)

Please i need good answerss !?

ok so i had unprotected sex with my fiance june 17 to the 28 everyday and yesterday i got light pink blood all day on june 29 but it came early then usual i have bad cramps and headaches ...i got my last period ( june 10 to the 16 ) and my cycle day is always 30 days and im supposed to get it ( july 10 ) but its getting a little heavier now but but the color darkish pink ... what does this mean help me please; and thank you *

I have two goldfish in a 2 week old cycling tank. I need help interpreting readings I got from the pet store.?

okay, first off... take out the poor goldfish. did you do any research on cycling tanks... cause if you had you should have done the fishless cycle method. go look that up and try again

Is it such a good idea for me to try out for a DCI group?

I'm a woodwind player, well, actually i play the flute but I really want to play trumpet and try out for Crossmen or Pioneer or even a division II corps but I don't even know how to play a brass instrument. I don't own the instrument but i've been using a friend's. I want to play a trumpet and try out on that but I know like 5 notes and my sound quality is terrible. I'm willing to put in the time and effort to improve my sound and everything. I want to try out in about a year which would be my junior year. I really want it and I heard if you want something really bad you'll end up getting it. I'm unsure and I'm nervous if I would be able to even make a corps. If you think I could what corps do you think I should try out for? I'm really selling myself short but I need someone else's opinion. Please help!!

What's a good first bicycle to buy?

Hi, I'm looking to buy a bicycle that's not very expensive. I'm willing to spend something between the $300-$700 range. I'm a beginner at this but I want to start riding my bike to school and maybe do cycling marathons.

Should I talk to a doctor about my period?

Every time I start my period I get sick. I vomit around 3 times the first day, have severe cramping, hot/cold flashes, and my stomach gets upset. I also get very shaky, and all I can do is sleep. These last only the first few days, but the cramps stay with me the whole cycle. My period normally lasts over a week, too. Is this normal for some women or should I talk with a doctor?

Mozilla Firefox Awesome bar help please?

Mozilla Firefox V3.8 had a feature where all I had to do was type a word in the bar and the webpage used to open automatically, for instance if I typed "yahoomail" in the bar the yahoo sign-in page used to open but now I get google search result instead in Firefox V4.0, can I have the same feature in V4.0?? Thanks.

Acura 2.3 CL 1999 heater question?

okay so I just got this Acura 2.3 CL V4 1999, decent mileage an stuff, overall nice car and I love it that it's my first. BUT! today it was a lttle chilly this morning before I went to school so I turned on the Heater but after I poke it at for a couple of mins I could not get it to heat up until I pressed the red/orange button with the vent and arrows coming out and I had it to mode front and legs, and the temp at 90. I kinda have no I idea how to use it, can anybody give me some advice on the best setting for it to heat faster? if they know?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Denting my flute by holding it bad?

Im starting to really notice that the areas where I place my fingers to hold the flute have been receiving dents lately. I planned on softening my grip up but now that I am in marching band, I usually pinch my flute even harder since the movements need to be sudden. Is it natural to dent my flute or do I have to try reminding myself to not grip so hard?

Is it possible for a device to emit brainwave frequencies that will put the brain to them?

K so you have the human brain which is always in different mind states such as Beta, Alpha etc which are all measuredin hz but is it possible for a device or something to emit hz frequencies that will actually bring a brain to that cycle? for example if something gave out a 7hz frequency (Theta) would the concsious mind fall into that 7hz mind state after a while? can it be possible for brainwave frequencies to actually me emitted and work on a brain is what I am asking. Thx.

How do I treat this and make myself less tense?

So I just got back from band camp today and literally, everything hurts. Back, shoulders, legs, torso, and feet. I play flute, so my arms are pretty much like wet noodles, and I've marched for at least 3 hours for 3-4 days, so my legs are like jello. The pain is really bothering me, and my back is so tense. How do I help relieve it a little?

How soon can I take a prgnancy test before my next due cycle?

If I ovulated and had sex around june 10th and 11th and my period came on jun23, how soon can I take a pregnancy test befire my next due period which is july 21st

Is this polytheistic ovary syndrome?

Im 18 now and have periods maybe once every maybe 3 or 4 months(it use to be once or twice a year). i started my period when I was in 3rd grade and I have always been irregualar. I dont have high blood pressure (never have), I am slighty overweight but that is due to my bad habits. I dont have problems losing weight if I try, I dont have extra facial hair. I have went to have testorones level tested and the doctor said they were kind of elevated but nothing serious or alarming. And I have had a ultrasound and the doctor said i had one small cyst due to my irregualar periods and the blood building up and he gave me birth control pills to get rid of the cyst and regulate my cycles. And my cycle start becoming regular but I stopped taking them and my cycle went back to being irregular . Please help!! Does this sound like polytheistic ovary syndrome something else?

What marching band instrument should i play?

I would go with flute/ piccolo because all that matters is what is best for YOU! Last year I played Clarinet in concert band and Tenor sax in jazz band, and after a while the bigger instrument became hard to deal with. So I quit it, do what you think is best for yourself!

Is this Ovulation or an early sign of Pregnancy? ?

it could be ovulation, it would be sort of early compared to normal but it could be. I dont think that you are pregnant but everybody is different. I would think you would be experiencing more symptoms if you were pregnant but it could be way too early to tell. Your going to have to wait at least a week to take a test to get an efficient reading though :(

10PTS: Best Answer: Windows YouCam Deluxe V4?

I recently download YouCam Deluxe V4 as a RaR File, as I have the basic Program (already installed on Laptop) and i am just wondering how would i go about using the deluxe version so i have acccess to all feature of the YouCam Program?

What is the song play in Fairy Tail episode 58 and 68?

sorry i don't know but when they reales the fairy tail sound track, i think its in there soo you just have to wait i guess....?

What is the title of this certain old animated/cartoon movie?

I used to own this movie on VHS as a kid, the name is escaping me and it's driving me crazy. It is a cartoon movie, I'd say it came out between the 60s and the 80s. The plot is basically a small orange bug who gets cast as a construction worker in his society at this big bug ceremony, yet all he wants to do is play in this band (maybe the flute?). I know it's random, but some memorable scenes are when this bug goes into a tunnel and encounters a blue and red two headed worm who always argues with itself. Oh and all the bugs in the movie can detach their butts and roll them around. I want to find this movie and get it as a bday present for my would provide a lot of nostalgia. Any suggestions as to what the title is?

Which flute is better? A gemeinhardt 2sp or M2?

I really want a gemeinhardt flute but I'm not sure which is better, a 2sp or M2. I do not want an open holed one though. Thanks!

Will a hpt test show positive now?

My last period was june 7 - june 11. My cycles vary. The last two i had were 23 days. So my question is if i got pregnant would a test predict it now or is it still too soon? I am new at all of this. My husband and I are TTC our first.

I have evil thoughts and can't control them. serious answers please. Jonah. 17. male?

So basically if I see something gruesome in a movie like someone being tortured or killed sometimes I will picture people I love in my life having that being done to them by me or something else messed up. I know this isn't me and has never happened before. so yeah that's a glimpse of the evil thoughts then also I have lots of sexual thoughts and I have a gf and sometime ill have them when were making out.. ha it's terrible cause I know they're bad thoughts and I'm not thinking of them cause I'm a bad person. It's almost like I think of them knowing they are bad then I think why am I thinking about this? then that thought continues to stay in my head and cycle and I cannot stop it and idk what to do sometimes.... especially if i told these people about the evil thoughts and i did tell my gf about the other part and she was not too happy.. i recently told my gf i was unfaithful to her not cheating but something somewhat similar and i feel this triggered some of the thoughts cuz i get down on myself and dont think highly of myself because of it and before that happened i would never think like this. is it possible this is what triggered them? cause i think of the things i ****** up on then i think of a bad sexual thought and i would think this would be bad of me to think but I STILL THINK IT and cannot stop it and they keep coming. cycle cycle cycle etc... please help

I need major legal help...?

If she has posted an unauthorized performance of your song on Youtube, for example, they you can have the video removed via a DMCA takedown notice. However, if all she is doing is claiming on a Facebook post that she wrote the song, there is probably nothing you can do about that.

Looking for a episode of Looney Tunes?

Ok there is an episode of Looney Tunes that I remember when I was a kid; Silvester the cat gets hired in Mexico to get rid of some mice and how he does it is by playing a flute in order to make them dance and come out of hiding, Speedy Gonzalez then comes and saves them from Sylvester and his flute, and I would really like to know the name of the episode, if you know please help!

I haven't had a cycle in........?

Go back to the doctor and ask them what it is that is causing you to not have your period. Don't just have them do tests and not tell you anything. You need to be asking your doctor what the problem is, and what to do about it. I would probably call the doctor first and ask them what is causing this. If they need you to come in then they will tell you on the phone, and they can help you figure out what is causing this. If you do not have a doctor who will help you figure out what is wrong, then you need to go to a different doctor.

Pretty please can someone help me find this song? 10 points I pwomise! x?

I really need to remember a song, its a male singer on a guitar i think hes middle aged, I can remember in the youtube video there was mountains and the beginning of the song started with either a flute or pan pipes but a really lovely tune and then after a little while he starts to sing and plays his guitar. I'm so so so sorry that this is a rubbish description but I really need to find this song its driving me MAD!! xx

Is this a good spellcaster/dragon Yu-Gi-Oh deck?

It's good but too many high level monsters... try focusing on one theme either spellcaster or dragons.

If your period is 17 days late wouldn't it show up on home pregnancey test?

I have taken two in the past two days that were negative and then three last week or so. Seems weird to miss a period but my cycle has been pretty wacky since the birth of my daughter in '09. I'm also in my late thirties. Any thoughts?

My acura legend vs acura integra 92?

My legend is v6 his I$ v4 mine had headers, no cat, custom exhaust, tailpipe, cold air intake, 3.5 engine, his is 2.4 vtech nd stick

Where to download latest version of shiny gold? 10 points best!?

i played shiny gold and im at the point where u get the magnet pass after defeating misty etc... I think its v4 , if yes where to download for free latest version , if its not v4 which version is it? Please full links , without surveys...

Magnet Flute Sheet music?

Where can I find flute sheet music for the VOCALOID song "Magnet"? I tried to play the piano AND violin versions but the notes are way too low. Help?

How accurate are ultrasounds for dating pregnancy?

it is just a estimated due date within a two week time frame. my son was a very large baby and they said he was two weeks overdue when he was only 38 weeks that is why it's a ESTIMATED DUE DATE

Is it bad that my fingers always ache for no reason?

ok so sometimes when i get to the computer or start to play my flute my fingers ache ALOT but as soon as i start typing or whatever that is when it starts (well sometimes i dont do anything but thts rarely) is this bad?

I need some flute music!!?

does anyone know where I could find music for the flute?!? I wanna play One-by U2 and Whiskey Lullaby- by Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss?!? thanks it would help a lot!!

Why is it illegal to cycle on the sidewalk?

In my town I cycle on the sidewalk a lot on the roads where there's a sidewalk. The cops have never said anything. Some of the roads are so busy and it wouldn't be safe to ride on the road. Why is it a law, when not riding on the sidewalk can be so dangerous? When there are pedestrians around I'm careful. I slow down. I've never hit anyone. I'm from Massachusetts if it matters. I don't know the law here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My acura legend vs acura integra 92 in a race?

My legend is v6 his I$ v4 mine had headers, no cat, custom exhaust, tailpipe, cold air intake, 3.5 engine, his is 2.4 vtech nd stick

Im stuck on what to wear?

I'd go with the hot pink shoes and black dress. Since those would be the only 2 things that matches in color, and also because black is a neutral color, so it can go with any other kind of color. And the satin heels look awesome.

What is a good flute brand?

I am looking into buying a new flute. I would prefer one with a b foot joint. I found a venus flute that appeared to be nice, and what i was looking for that costs around $230. I then heard that venus flutes arent very good and i was wondering if it is possible to buy a decent flute for no more that $250.

How to remember things when you first get up?

basically I go to bed every night with stuff to do thinking when I wake up tomorrow I will get some stuff done but when I wake up in the morning I spend all day doing nothing and by the time i remember what I was going to do the day is over with and I go to bed with a plan. this cycle has been repeating itself over and over again for the past month. what do I do to get out of it.

What's the likelihood of me being pregnant?

So on May 20 I had sex and it started out unprotected but after a couple minutes we stopped and he put a condom on. About 10 days later I got my period but it was like 7 days early. It was about 3-4 days long and pretty everything seemed pretty normal. Now, it's been about a month later and I haven't gotten another one and my cycle is usually a little less than a month long. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant but I'm just wondering what the chances are or how likely it is that this could happen? By the way, I'm 19 and not in a relationship so I don't want to be pregnant right now!

Our aquarium is cycled. 2 guppies have clamped tails. Why? what to do?

what are the other tankmates? how big is the tank? what's your temperature? what is your ratio of male to female guppies?


I started depo in October 2010 and was suppose to get my next 1 this January 18, 2011 but didn't. I started coming on my normal period starting in April and have had 4 normal periods since it possible I can conceive now becuz I just had my period June 23rd and I bought a ovulation test my cycle is 28 days so wen should I start testing for LH SURGE???

My period came two 1/2 weeks after the last.?

is it normal to start your period after about 20 days from your last one? I don't take birth control or anything. And what is an irregular period cycle like?

Flute Vs. Percussion?

My main and best instrument is flute, but I double as a mallet percussionist. If I had to pick between the two, I'd choose flute, because in a wind ensemble, the flute parts are much more fun to play than the percussion parts. Drum corps and competitive show marching band though.. mallets all the way.

I'm taking birth control pills and why is my cycle starting in the first week?

I've been taking birth control consistently for four months. Every thing was normal. I had my normal menstrual cycle and it stopped almost two weeks ago. I am now just getting through the first week of a new packet. I started bleeding today after having sex. To be honest the sex was painful during penetration. I also have been experiencing sharp breast pain with slight nipple stimulation, bouts of crying, and food cravings. I haven't got a clue of what is going on with me. I'm hoping someone out there has experienced the same symptoms and enlighten me on what's happening to my body.

I want to learn Flute.?

Hello Sir/Madam, I desperately want to learn flute but I am 22 years old, Is it too late for learning the flute, I am living very frustrated life, so I just want to learn flute so that in alone I can play flute and will keep myself cool, calm and patient. I want to know that In how many days Will i become an average flute player, I am a hard worker and devoted person, I do not waste my time in things like Internet chating and all other waste things.

Is it weird I like WOMEN in ISLAMlC CLOTHING?

Yes, since the whole point of those clothes is modesty. I think if you approached a woman wearing a veil or hijab/burka, she would be offended.

Magnet flute sheet music?

I'm looking for /flute/ sheet music for the VOCALOID song "magnet". Please do not give me piano music. Thank you

Please tell me if pregnant or not?!?

My sister had sex last Friday 06/24/11 she was so upset about it. Lord forgive her though. They day after she took the Plan B pill. And earlier today she went to pee and she noticed like a light blood in her underwear. We googled and it said implantation but then we looked up side effects of the Plan B pill and it said within a week it makes most women bleed and knocks their cycle off track. It said the bleeding starts off light and then eventually gets lighter. She had her period the week before last so basically 3 weeks. Can someone please tell me do you think she is pregnant or do you think that she is not?

Black mold on flute?

That appears to be TARNISH, not mold. Mold tends not to form on metal surfaces. A professional cleaning will work, or if you don't have time, use silver polish.

I need a new shoujo manga to read?

I highly recommend shinshi doumei cross!!! I usually read shounens, but i LOVE this shoujo manga!!! >:D

Period??? Swimming?? What do i do?

I've started my period before, it was on halloween and i've had it about 3 times since. My period cycle is wierd i have one like every two months! I'm going swimming with my boyfriend on friday and i'm scared i'm going to start my period while swimming and make a huge mess! Ahhhh! I'm not scared to wear tampons but i have heard it's not healthy to wear a tampon when your not on your period yet! Does blood come out when you're swimming? What do i do???

What brass instrument should I learn?

So I've been playing flute for 5 years, and I've recently taken up an interest in joining a drum corps. Unfortunately, flutes aren't exactly allowed in drum corps. So I was thinking about learning to play a brass instrument in case all my hopes and dreams come true! But I was wondering what my best fit might be. Obviously you people don't know everything about me, but what do you think an experienced flute player would excel at? I know that embouchure wise, tuba is the closest match, but I'm not sure I'm built to lug a 40 lbs instrument around a football field. :P

Dodge Caravan 1993 4v Overheating?

Dodge Caravan 1993 v4 Overheating we got the thermostat replaced and coolant sensor replaced the coolant level is fine and i got the relays replaced but still did the same so i put the old ones back, still wondering what it might be, the oil level is fine and theres no gas or coolant in the oil, the oil light is on but it isnt low or too hgh, i have an idea that the oil isnt getting into the top part of the engine can anyone help me out in detail what it might be, but it runs and we use it but like after running it for 5-10 minutes it starts overheating and we have to pull over and let it cool. so if anyone knows what might be wrong please tell me, and ty

Redsn0w jailbreak v4.3.3 stuck on exploiting limera1n?

I am jailbreaking my itouch 4.3.3 (which I really want to do NOW!) and I am using redsn0w the only ffree 4.3.3 software I could find. I have tried about 10 times and each time once, I select my software version, wait, select "Install Cydia" only (which is all I want to do) follow the directions perfectly and proceed, I wait and wait and it gets stuck on "Exploiting limera1n" when the bar is filled for a long time. I let it run for 2 days with no changes. I need to jailbreak it ASAP. How do I fix this or is there another FREE jailbreaking software for iTouch 4.3.3 that works to at least install Cydia in less than 10 minutes (if there is, please give links and instructions!!!). Thank You!

V4.5 Tamagotchi help! My adult tamagotchi.?

He's 3 years old and I got an alert in the mail that brought him to the employment agency or something, but I didn't choose something because I left him for a little bit, and when I came back, he was sad and he got sent back. So he can't go to school anymore, but I can't choose a job either! Will I get another alert in the mail soon?

Is bass guitar hard to learn?

Ok, so I've decided i want to learn to play bass guitar. I know tat of crouse it will be a little hard to play, as when playing an insturment always can be. I know the simple EGBDF scale and some about rythem and things. I play the flute and they are very different indturments however i will pratice as much as i can. Also it 13 a good age to start playing. And wat are some tings important to know about playing the bass guitar? And is getting lessons a good idea. Any tips or suggestions would be great thanks!

Is the dizi flute the same as the western flute when it comes to reading notes and if no how is it different?

was wondering if i should purchase a dizi or an western flute and wanted to know the similarities and differences also.

Is it normal to have short cycles?

My cycles are usually 22 to 23 days. I was supppose to come on my cycle on the 30th but it came June 6th-11th. Now I am back on today which is the 30th. What's weird is I have only light spotting. My husband had a vasectomy a 1 1/2 ago so I know I'm not pregnant. It's been 10 years since my cycle has been irregular.Just wondering if I need to see the doctor about this or if it's something that's normal.

Im back on psn but my friend is not?

i have signed into psn on my ps3 now and done the update V4.0 and my friend says he cant sign in also i looked on blackops there are people online playing ????

Violin, Flute, or Saxophone?

You answered you own question... you said you like the sound of the saxophone better. There's nothing more inspiring to learn when you actually love the way it sounds... that's everything.

My period started, stopped, then started again 3 days later...?

I'm trying to chart for ovulation purposes and I'm confused on which day to use as the first day of my cycle. Is it the 1st day even though the flow was very very light, or should it be the 4th day when the flow was that of a normal period?

What is the difference between the tenor sax and the flute?

I was wondering because I have played the flute for the last 6 years and i now want to play the tenor sax for jazz band. I was wondering if it would be helpful to have a private lesson instructor to help be in the beginning?

Why do I lag on black ops? (xbox)?

It's black ops. I have a ps3 and it also does that when i play(when psn worked) I'm not sure about the voice thing though

Is my cardio workout bad?

there's no way of knowing if you don't tell your age and physical level, i suggest buying a heart rate monitor and do go above the recommended rate for your age.

I need help choosing a car..............?

I have my own landscaping business so that means I am always on the road in my truck I have a 1994 toyota pick up truck extended cab v6 engine. I spend a thousand dollars on gas monthly. I need to get a truck with a v4 engine because I was told it waste less gas. Is this true and how much would I save compared to a v6? Is there any way I can trade it ?

How much does it cost to replace lugs?

the lugs ans studs u can buy threw auto parts store a good hammer torch and some anger will fix it now fir the body damage not sure how bad but u may be able to beat it back. you may have to buy a new rotor witch comes with the studs atatched then all u have to do is get the lugs. now why did your wheel fall off one lugs were to loose or to tight

Started taking Sprintec (BC PILL) and I'm just so tired?

Tiredness, fatigue is a side effect of combined hormonal contraceptives. If it is bothersome see your doctor.

Why do I feel like my brain functions better at night?

I must be a vampire or a poor sleep cycle has my system outta wack. During the day I feel like not much is going on up there inside my head. I am often tired and not in the mood to socialize. Sometimes I just go through motions without thinking them through. I feel like a zombie. But at night I am full of energy and thoughts. Good jokes just spill out of me like diarrhea but oh cruel irony there is no one awake to hear my gems.

This it sound like im pregnant? pls help?

My first day of my last period was on May 28th.I'm between 28 to 31 day cycle. We had sex throughout the whole month of June. I had some light brown spotting from June 18th to June 21st. I usually don't spot during my cycle. And it was nothing like a period. I've been experiencing light low back pain, light abdominal pain, light cramps on my sides, tired more, peeing more, and just not feeling like myself. And as of today I'm 3 to 4 days late. What do you ladies think?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Blackberry 8330 smartphone question?

i have a blackberry 8330 smartphone cdma v4.5.0.186 and i was wanting to know how i can get it turned on, do i have to go into a cellphone store or is there a way to hack or jailbreak it? ive heard there is a way but i dont know how. the phone doesnt have a sim card

Where can i find free flute sheet music? please make it for the flute!?

You can download free flute sheet music at the Free Sheet Music site ( a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) and free flute sheet music with midi previews at the Flute Sheet Music for Popular Songs site ( a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ).

How long after taking Provera can you have unprotected sex?

I know my Dr told me to have protected sex 2 weeks before taking Provera to make sure I didn't get pregnant and obviously I wouldn't have unprotected sex while on Provera, but I am wondering how long after I take the last pill should I wait to have unprotected sex? Like how long does it stay in your system? I believe I read something like it stimulated your hormones something like 16-21 days after, but I'm am wondering if if that is from the first or last day you take the pills? I know this sounds like a dumb question, but I am married and we are trying to get pregnant, I am not taking Clomid with this cycle, we are seeing if the Provera would just do it... but I don't have another Dr appt until next month, I can always call and ask but I just wanted to see if anyone had this info before I did so. Thanks!

Musical instruments!?

i played the recorder and the flute for 3 years now and by morning i decided to buy a ukulele...because on you tube the instrument sounds good.! but when i bought mine it sounds different? is that normal ,i cant feel my fingers... and it sounds really different... is this correct"low,lower,lowest,highest" from the strings from the ukulele?or the ukulele i bought aint good? (cost 20bucks)???

My abnormal ECG- what does it mean.?

I am a type one diabetic and have been so for 28 years. I never had any heart problems but on January 14, 2011, I was hit by a transport. I have not felt right since the accident and have either a torn rotator cuff or bicep- waiting for MRI. Have been having chest pains and they have gotten worse in the past few weeks. I went to a walk in clinic on Friday and was given an ECG. This is what the ECG shows - Sinus Rhythm - normal P axis, V-rate 50 -99, Abnormal Inferior Q waves - Qs add to 80 mS in 11 111 aVF, Borderline T abnormalities, anterior leads - T flat or neg, V2-V4, Borderline Prolonged QT interval-QTC>485mS. It also shows Rate- 90, PR - 141, QRSD -415 and QTc 508. Can someone explain what this means. I have to see a cardiologist on Thursday but very stressed right now. Would love to hear what this I may be dealing with. Thank you.

Question about menstrual cycles?

okay, im a 21 y.o african american female.. i have an app on my phone that helps me determine my period and for a year this app has never been wrong, so im gonna say that i was 5 days late for my menstrual and then after that i came on, for five days with my period being darker(in color) and lighter( cause i usually have a heavy flow).. but i was on for my five days.. four days after my period i began spotting, has this ever happened to anyone.? what can it mean? i am not on any form of birth control.. please help

I was 5 days late then started spottinq then had a normal flow what could be the cause?

My period was supposed to come on the 20th but i started spotting on the 23rd then up until the 25th i started getting a normal flow today the 29th it iss off . Why is this and is the 23 considered the start of my cycle ? Thanks in advance

What does it mean that im very thirsty, i shed like crazy and i get random head aches.?

Recently i have been more thirsty and ive been shedding hair from my head like crazy. Every time i touch my hair i come away with lots of hair in my hand. I also get headaches more often but the don't last long. Is this just normal for me, or could i have a disease. My menstrual cycle is also irregular which isn't uncommon ut im still worried if i have something wrong with me ...

Classical Go Your Own Way Arrangement?

I made this in music class and it took me quite a few hours for my culminating using Finale 2008 and adding trumpet, baritone horn, guitar, bass, piano, alto sax, tenor sax, flute, and clarinet and it just sounds so awesome I'd like to share it, check it out here and tell me what you think :)

.net console appication problem?

i'm trying to create win32 console application with .net in c# language but cannot. it gives this error: "The platforms root directory "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Platfor… does not exist." how can i fix this problem?

Wii wad help i had no errors but wont load?

hay i was trying to put wads on my wii v4.3e i used the latest wad manager every thing was perfect no errors nothing but when i tryed to run the games i put on my wii the wii remote turned off the and the screen went blank any ideas

Question about menstrual cycles?

okay, im a 21 y.o african american female.. i have an app on my phone that helps me determine my period and for a year this app has never been wrong, so im gonna say that i was 5 days late for my menstrual and then after that i came on, for five days with my period being darker(in color) and lighter( cause i usually have a heavy flow).. but i was on for my five days.. four days after my period i began spotting, has this ever happened to anyone.? what can it mean? i am not on any form of birth control.. please help

For a C flute, what does B flat flat flat mean?

I have a piece of music where it says to play b flat in the key signature, and by the note there is two flat signs by it. What note do I play?

How to become a singer?

I've loved singing since I was young. I play the flute, but no other instruments. I have written quite a few songs, but only the lyrics. I can read music but I don't really know how to write it, or what to put behind the vocals. How can I become successful with the only skills I have right now? What other skills will help me become successful and how can I be proactive? I'm 19 and I pretty much only sing for myself right now.

Would it be hard to switch from flute to fiddle?

i already know how to read music because i play the flute, but i want to try something different such as the fiddle. i was wondering how difficult it would be to make the switch.

Flute Questions ( 20 characters )?

From your description of your playing, I would assume that you do NOT have a fine private teacher - a degreed, professional flutist. Get one. A near-miracle will occur shortly thereafter. There is nothing that you have listed that cannot be repaired/improved by LESSONS with a fine teacher.

Rehoming fish to good homes?

aquarium classifieds is where i sell and buy all of my fish, i reccomend this as customers take interest usually the same day. i work in a pet store and would still reccomend selling them on to someone i have control over rather then taking them to work and have someone else sell them.

Do people really sponsor promising musicians?

My band director told me that there are rich people that would be willing to pay most or all of the cost of an excellent quality instrument (14k gold Muramatsu flute, $24,750) IF they believe that the receiver has potential and will not take their kindness for granted. If so, where could I find people that would do something like this?

Do you need to cycle fish tanks?

Yes you need to cycle your tanks. Cycling is basically the start of the bacterial formation in your tank. What this bacteria does is remove any ammonia in your tank. Ammonia is poisonous to fish. You can cycle your tank with fish or without. Going a fishless cycle is better and easier. If you will cycle with fish get a few cheap fish don't buy expensive ones. You can find a bunch of articles by just searching google.

Is there such think as an f note flute?

Maybe in recorder flutes? For a lower octave flute, there's the longer B-foot joint for lower notes. Higher notes require a stronger, more focused stream of air....

How to upgrade blackberry software from OS v4.6 to OS v5.0?

well, i want to be able to unlock my phone using the mute button and have a threaded sms view. Thanks x

I had severe lower abdominal ache:(?

yesterday suddenly i developed lower abdominal ache.i thought it was appendicitis as it was radiating to right was very sever,and continuous.i went to emergency,i was given dicloran n gravinate n 1000 ml saline...dr asked me for ultrasound abdomen n pelvis.pain got relieved after 2 hours..i got my abdominal ultrasound done.dr said its mild pelvic ascites.and left ovarian can b cyst or mid cycle lmp was 13 june 2011...i got my complete blood count done and urine routine examination.ivnt got report now m having blotting n mild ache n tenderness in lower abdomen...what it cud afraid..does it happen to girls..why did pelvic ascites me im myself a medical student,,but im just confused

I was 5 days late then started spottinq then had a normal flow what could be the cause?

My period was supposed to come on the 20th but i started spotting on the 23rd then up until the 25th i started getting a normal flow today the 29th it iss off . Why is this and is the 23 considered the start of my cycle ? Thanks in advance

2005 dodge stratus sometimes dies after it starts?

v4, my daughter has been having problems with her car the last few days. She couldn't get it started yesterday, then later that same day it started. This morning she started & it died right away. She started it again & drove it on to school. I went to the school just now & it started right up???? Help!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

IM GOING CRAZY! help olides fans!?

so me and my dad used to listen to this song in the car. and he cannot remember.. in the intro of the song it has this strange instrument not like a flute or anything but like a hand instrument. sounds like something u would twist i dont know! then the singer just talks a bit this is all i have to go on.. and i really want to remember this song. its prolly from the 70s, or 80s or even 60s. any ideas?

Roland CX-24 problems.?

I just borrowed my uncles Roland CAMM-1 CX-24 cutter along with his software which is Flexisign 7.5 V4 which comes with the little password dongle which is called "Hasp4 USB 2.02". My problem so far is that my computer which is running Win 7 ultimate 64x which in turn is running a virtual XP prof SP3. Neither Win7 or XP can pick up this dongle and run flexisign, both say the device is installed and up to date but both fail loading flexisign saying it cant find the dongle. any ideas?

PLease Help me! I am 18 and possibly pregnant?

You might be pregnant, n maybe the hone pregnancy is not detecting your hormones cuz its too early, best way to find out is to go to the doc, n require a blood test just to be 100% sure! Good luck!

Are there any good flute and guitar duets?

the guitar needs to be novice level where as the flute part can be intermediate, i would prefer books or sheet music that is for acoustic guitars. i like anything renaissance (ex// greensleeves) jazz, modern but not rock, and folk.

Need help to identify these songs?

the first song was a little hard to hear but the second song is a trance song (i believe they're both trance). it's called out of the blue by system f :) a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Would a '07 Honda Civic with 125,000 miles be more reliable then a '08 Pontiac G6 V4 with 60,000 miles?

I am looking to buy a car that I can pay cash for to get me through the next 3-4 years when I'll be in grad school full-time living on stipend. So I do not want to have car payments. I know that Honda Civics are very reliable cars and that Pontiac G6 are less so...however I am wonder if that holds true with the a high mileage reliable brand versus a normal mileage less reliable brand?

I have taken postinor 2 last sunday 26th june. My last period is on 6th june. My average cycle is around 36day?

Im wondering if i take again today (1st july), is it would be necessary? (i just have sex just now). I not really understand about the progesterone level in my body now coz.i just took it on 26th...pls answer me asap..huhuhu...julie

What harmful effects do hot, humid weather have on a flute?

I plan on playing today, outside. Is the hot, humid air going to negatively impact my flute in any way?

Do Christians really believe this? Menstrual Cycle.?

I've heard some doosies out of the Bible but apparently women were cursed with pain when birthing and a menstrual cycle because Eve ate the forbidden fruit... does anyone actually believe this 1? and if you do please see a doctor

How do I get the interior car roof lights to work?

I have replaced the interior car roof bulbs on my 99 v4 camry and they won't light on when I turn them on or when I open the door, could the fuse be burned out?

Flute Section Bonding ideas help?

I have been section leader for 2 years and the group is good this year and I wanted to do some stuff and needed ideas. One is that they have bandannas hair ribbons what are some ideas fir my section to do we can do shirts when playing but if shirts what to do and say? Also what's some good bonding ideas? There are 18-20 of us!

Dsc powerseries pc1616/pc1832/pc1864 v4.2 programing?

I have a dsc alarm system and one of the glass break sensors are broken I'm tired of bypassing it to arm the alarm. I do not have service but when I Did it was smith monitoring. I have my code but not the master or installers code. I'm wondering a couple of things, can I take that one zone off of the system? And how to do so? Also I have an extra wireless alarm from adt with glass break sensors and motion detectors, can I program those to function to my system. If so what all do I need To do to program those are there numbers on it or what.?please give me exact directions I have never installed or programed one before. Thank you

Are Venus piccolos good instruments?

I have recently discovered venus piccolos for sale on ebay for around $100. I have always wanted a piccolo and was wondering if these instruments are decent, and have a good sound. Flute/piccolo is not my main instrument, however i do enjoy playing them. I have heard that there are some instruments on ebay that arent "real" instruments, and if they break can not be fixed. Do venus flutes and piccolos fall under this category? I only ask this because they are so cheap.

Windows You Cam Deluxe V4?

I recently download YouCam Deluxe V4 as a RaR File, as I have the basic Program (already installed on Laptop) and i am just wondering how would i go about using the deluxe version so i have acccess to all feature of the YouCam Program?

Is this right? Cell cycle?

During Interphase, chromosomes duplicate to produce sister chromatids. During prophase, duplicated chromosomes condense and duplicated chromosomes migrate to the equatorial plane of the cell and the nuclear envelope breaks down. During metaphase sister chromatids of each duplicated chromosome move to opposite poles of the cell. During anaphase, chromosomes decondense and new nuclear membranes forms. During telophase, membranes form between daughter cells

Drivers for WUSB54G v4 for Windows 7?

I have a Linksys Wireless-G USB Network Adapter and I can't find a driver for it for Windows 7. Then I also have a problem with the "ikernel.exe couln't launch"

What is your favourite Mozart composition out of the following?...?

I would pick symphony no. 29 cuz it has a really nice flow. Though I prefer listening to his composition of dies irae. For the second question, the magic flute has the best overture hands doown

What do you think of my song?

that is a really good and Intense song, i wish i could get it on itunes, it was just very touching. It was very Beautiful, thank you

Why was my period 20 days apart?

Breastfeeding baby she's now 18 weeks old got period back at 6 weeks had 28 day cycle now got period after 19 days is that normal?

How to clean a flute?

take your cleaning rod stick a paper towel into it, damp it a little bit. stick it into ur flute until its really clean. now use alcohol to clean the mouth piece

Is It possible to swap a V6 or V8 engine with a V4?

As we all know fuel and registration adds up to quite a lot of cash over time, but all smaller cars really don't appeal to many. So was wondering if you could put one of those cheaper to run engines (like a V4), into a much better looking car (like a V6 or V8).

Why do I feel like my brain functions better at night?

I must be a vampire or a poor sleep cycle has my system outta wack. During the day I feel like not much is going on up there inside my head. I am often tired and not in the mood to socialize. Sometimes I just go through motions without thinking them through. I feel like a zombie. But at night I am full of energy and thoughts. Good jokes just spill out of me like diarrhea but oh cruel irony there is no one awake to hear my gems.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ideas for Stocking a 5 Gallon Tank?

not much will fit inside a 5 gallon tank, maybe a male guppy with some platies. but the rule is 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon so DONT exceed that! hope i helped! good luck

Im on day 3 of my period and the condom broke?

I want to know how possible is it for me to get pregnant. im 17 im going on getting plan b this morning. but i just want to know the chances. its was day 3 yesterday, 5-6 day period and my cycle is 31 days. help ?

Where can I buy Lady GaGa flute music online?

I have been having lots of trouble with finding flute arrangements for Lady GaGa. Looking especially for "Poker Face", "Alejandro", "Bad Romance", "Paparazzi", and "No Way".

Clunky flute mechanism...?

My flute is a Pearl 765RBE-CODA Anniversary model, which I have had for about two or three months now. Though it was sold to me as new, it was a store model before hand, and I'm not sure how long it had been in there. I've recently noticed that the mechanism has become heavy and clunky, not only with the feel of it, but I can hear the keys as well when I'm playing. It wasn't like this when I first got it. Is this fixable? If so, what needs to be done to fix it, and what is the average pricing to have it done?

Aisoft question about FPS!?

anywhere from 350-400 is good for a field, accuracy and range depends on your hop up. I've had a springer with a great hop up and could hit a squirrel at 100 yards, and another that had a bad hop up that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside. both were made by cheap manufacturers

What's happening to me? o.O?

I'm 18 and I've had my period since I was 12!!! And trust me I went through the same thing, I can't even count how many times my period has changed!! It's normal and trust me it's going to keep happening!! So no worries :)

Remedies to get rid of unwanted pregnancy?

i had bed relation with my husband last night. he used a condom but don,t know how the condom was leaked inside me. we don,t want a baby now. please tell me how to get rid of it? recomend me any tablet or any home remedy so that i cannot get pregnant. my periodical cycle will start on 30th july.

My dad bought a new betta? help?

He thought it would survive in a tiny bowl and it can't. Unfortunately it needs so many things. I look up online and it needs a heater, bloodworms brine shrimp... So does it need a filter?(a store employee at petsmart said no but its yes for a filter online..). How do you cycle? What else do I need for a betta home? How much will every item cost?

Should I start learning to play the cello?

I've played the flute for three years in my school band and got a good general understanding of music and the instrument (I was pretty good at it and loved it). For the past year I've been self-teaching myself the trumpet and actually like it. I now play the trumpet in my school band and that is my 'primary' (though not my best) instrument, and I no longer put much focus on the flute... Knowing this, would it be unwise to pick up the cello, too? I'm planning on renting, not buying; I also have ample time to practice both trumpet and cello but I won't have a teacher.

Can I fit 18" inch rims on a 98 accord 4 lug?

I whant to put 18" rims on a 98 accord v4 would It be a problem if I do and any ideas on what size tires I should use

My Tamagotchi V4.5's weight is too low?

I have a tamagotchi V4.5, my tamagotchi (Ura young violetchi) is a teen and her weight is always around 1 LB. Sometimes it even is 0 LB! And she isn't hungry when here weight is like that. Is something wrong with my tamagotchi? Please help

What version iPhone 3G does mewseek pro work on?

I am on v4.2.1 and it isn't working for me so what versions will it work on and how can I fix this problem?

Hey I was wondering if this will support games like COD, Minecraft 'n' Crysis?

Go with the nvidia geforce gtx550 ti and upgrade your psu to 650 watts and it can run most ,if not all the games on the market as of now

How To Get A Job OnTamagotchi V4.5?

I have a tamagotchi v4.5. I read somewhere that if he's 4 years old, you get an tv interview that can get you a job. I allready had that !-thing, but i don't have a job yet... And i read somewhere else that you can go to, but i can't open that site. What should i do?

Sex june 6th, feeling kind of sick, could it become something else what do you think?

Since you had your menstrual cycle some time after the contraception fail, you're probably not pregnant. However, it is very important that you are continually well aware of your pregnancy status without question, as some of the medications you are on could be harmful to an unborn baby. Demerol is of course not good for a fetus, for its obvious opiate properties. However, Topamax and other seizure medications can cause major congenial malformations, especially if taken during the first trimester of pregnancy (often times this occurs before a woman knows she is pregnant). So, its a good idea for you to take pregnancy tests whenever there is any question. There is a ton of info on Topamax and pregnancy at a href="" rel="nofollow"

What cars have a v4 motor ?

Ford used a V-4 engine in several of its German made cars from the early 1960's thru the mid 1970's. The same engine was also used in the Saab 95/96 from 1967 to 1980.

Something is wrong with my keyboard.?

Every time I press a key on the qwerty or numerical part of my keyboard while playing World of Warcraft or Oblivion it does a cycle through my 1-0 keys and I'm unsure how this happened, what caused it or how to put it back to the way it was. If anyone can help me please I'm going crazy not knowing wth is wrong with it.

How many gallons does a 2011 v4 honda accord hold?

It holds 18.5 gallons. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Dns server error on wireless netbook running windows 7 starter?

My acer aspire one netbook was working fine as of last night. I turned it on this morning and I am getting a dns error for certain sites. I have an internet connection through wireless. I can sign into all my messengers, access google, facebook. Most other sites are showing a DNS error. I am running windows 7 starter. I have already reset the router and did not help. I also tried switching the protocol v4 dns settings to those recommended and this did not work either. Any help is greatly appreciated.

How do you cycle a betta fishes tank?

I look up online but I don't fully understand can anyone explain? And the problem is my dad(stupid) already bought the fish and thinks it can survive in a super tiny bowl. How do you cycle if you don't have a friends filter to use? Its been three days. Help?

I'm going to miss my teacher(s) too much!?

Hi, my name is Sophia and I am 13 years old. I am going to the 8th grade. I am in band and I am in fact, a band geek. So, past year I was in the second to last band (out of 6). There are three band teachers, two guys and one girl. I really admire the two guys, the girl I don't talk to that much, but she still means a lot to me. So, the majority of the school year, I didn't talk to them that much. I was just another flute player. That tore me apart because they inspired me and I was admiring them secretly and I didn't know how to start talking to them because I was very shy. The last few weeks of school, I started joking around with the two guys, (ex. Hiding behind the stands with my friends before it's time to go to 1st period, giving them hi-fives, ect.) and I felt so much better that I talked to them more. So, I had my band audition about two weeks before school ended, and I did really really good. I remember the morning before I found out my placement I asked my main band director when we were going to find out our placements and he had a HUGE smile on his face and said "I don't know!" I ended up being in the second band. I was the only person to move up that much, and I noticed that they started favoring me. The lady (the person who heard my audition) even came up to me and congratulated me. I was really happy because I thought that she didn't like me. On the last day of school, after we were dismissed I ran down to the band hall and gave them each a letter telling them how much they mean to me. After I handed them the letters I ran out because I thought I was going to miss my bus but I didn't realize that was the last time that I was going to see them for three months. I cried when I got home. And I realized if I was crying over three months, how was I going to feel when I left 8th grade and went to high school. I know I'm going to be tore apart and I know some of you are you going to say "don't think about that now, you still have a year.' But if I forget, it will hit me extremely hard when it happens. So, what do I do? I miss them enough already, and it just breaks my heart that I have to leave some day. And I think since they read the letters, that I will get closer to them next year. I love them so much and they mean the world to me and I would do anything not to leave. I know this was kind of scattered, and I'm sorry about that but I think you got the point. Thanks!!! It really means a lot. And please don't say I have a crush on them, because I don't. And I should add this, the band teachers each have two bands, a high one and a low one. I was in one of the guys low one this year and next year I am going to be in his high band. The other guy and the girl I still consider my teachers, though. Again, thanks!!

How fast can a V4 suzuki SX4 go?

i just got my first car like three weeks ago.. it is a four cylinder car, stock, i havent put anything on it. i dont know all too much about cars lol just that i like to go fast. how fast can i get it to go without blowing the engine or bad things like that?

Should I go on Accutane?

I am 17 and I first got acne when I was 13 and it got pretty bad until I was 15 when I went through a 5 month cycle of accutane. I was reasonably clear for about 2 years but its come back close to how bad it was originally. I am concerned about going on accutane again (all other treatments didn't work) because I have recently heard of all the horror stories of people getting Crohn's Disease and IBD while taking the drug, but so far the last time the only side effects I had was red dry skin. I am somewhat deciding just to wait out and hope that in time it will fade away but I know that is not the case for a lot of people. What do you think?